SNAP Update: One Year In…

SNAP Update: One Year In…

As we near the end of our first full year of our Student Numeracy Assessment & Practice (SNAP) implementation in Chilliwack, I am pleased.

This year all of our teachers who teach math from grade 2 – 7 have been trained and supported in the use of SNAP. Our curriculum teachers have also developed numerous high yield routines and resources to help students (and teachers) who need support in developing their efficacy in numeracy.

We have teachers who were not included in the original SNAP implementation – particularly our Kindergarten and Grade 1 teachers – who wanted to be. As a result, these amazing teachers have been researching, collaborating, and developing a K/1 SNAP to align with and support the original 2-7 offering! Once these prototypes are ready to share, we will have them on our new website.

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There are over 6,000 students in Chilliwack who have been taught this year using the SNAP in three crucial ways: as formative assessment, as summative assessment, and as a learning tool.


We have a new website. It is really awesome. All of the templates, exemplars, rubrics, resources, posters, etc. are there for easy access. A huge thank you goes out to Josh in our IT department and to Christine and Kathleen (our curriculum support teachers) for their vision, creativity and hard work to make this happen. The SNAP website is found here:

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Our school district hosted visitors from other districts on April 12th to share our SNAP journey so far. We had teams from 3 districts in BC as well as a team from Saskatchewan! It was as great day of learning. Below are some tweets that captured portions of our day together. Certainly, the visit to Strathcona Elementary was a highlight – where the students taught the adults how to show their learning!

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Twitter Hashtag:


We are hoping that we all share our SNAP learnings on Twitter. The hashtag is #mathSNAP33 and this appears as a twitter feed on the SNAP website.

Next Steps:

We are seeing positive trends in our student achievement data as our implementation is maturing. I am really looking forward to studying our year end achievement and for us to continue the work next year. It is all starting to add up…



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